DIY: Make your own chalkboard paint!

Chalkboard paint is popular thanks to its blend of sentiment, whimsy and practicality. Whether it’s painted on walls, furniture or appliances, chalkboard paint has certainly come a long way from the basic green or slate gray boards used in schools.

Chalkboard paint is available in varying shades of color through various manufacturers but at $25 per quart, it can get expensive. Save your pennies and have complete control over the color by making your own in three steps.


  • Non-sanded grout
  • Latex paint in any color
  • Mixing cup or bucket
  • Brush or roller
  • Paint mixer drill attachment

1. Mix the latex paint with the non-sanded grout in a cup or bucket. A good ratio to use is 1 part grout to 8 parts paint. So, if you’re mixing a small amount, mix 1 tablespoon grout with a ½-cup paint. For a larger amount — like we used — mix 1 cup of grout with a ½ gallon of paint.

2. Paint the surface with the chalkboard paint. Prep the surface as you would for any paint job. We painted two coats for even coverage.

3. Condition the chalkboard. Get your chalkboard ready for drawing by rubbing the board with chalk, then wiping it off with a dry towel in circular strokes. With that final step, it’s ready to be put to good use.

You are ready to go!

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